Michael Kleinsasser


The Lord Jesus Christ saved Mike Kleinsasser in 1999. After years of growing in the Christian faith God called him to shepherd the local body at Grace Life Church in 2010. As the Lord added to the body, Mike transitioned from lay pastor to full time pastor in 2016. He has received much pastoral support and training from Anchored in Truth Ministries throughout the years. His love for the gospel compels him to share the message with whomever he meets and has birthed a passion in Mike's heart for local and international missions. Loving the young and old alike, Mike ministers to all, the young because they have so much to learn, and the old because they have so much to give. 

He and his wife, Rita, have been married since 1995. She stands strong in supporting her husband in the ministry. They are the proud parents of four sons Justin, Quinten, Cortez, and Dante. 

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6